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Help Uncover Woodland Canyon Creek

Help Uncover Woodland Canyon Creek

As summer came to a close, Sutro Stewards took Craig Newmark, the founder of Craigslist, out on a walk of Woodland Canyon. We stopped to appreciate native plants like red elderberry and California polypody, we talked about climate change and cyber security and pondered sure signs of water in Woodland Canyon. While there are outflow drains and our trail crews have built natural log channels to direct the flow of water, no water was to be seen on our August walk. Woodland Canyon Creek is a seasonal creek that begins on the summit of Mount Sutro and finds low places, as it carves them deeper, until it converges deep in the canyon and flows into a pipe under Stanyan street. Hidden under massive amounts of invasive himalayan blackberry cape ivy, dead and dying eucalyptus trees and the english ivy crawling along the creek bed and up their trunks, water flows in the winter but is never seen because of all the overgrowth. This is changing. On June 18th, we had our first volunteer day to clear the creek bed of invasive overgrowth and three months later we had our first commitment to funding for the project! Craig Newmark will match dollar for dollar, any donation that comes in, up to $25,000. This will help us grow plants for the canyon, clear out invasive species, organize neighbors and advocate for inter-agency action to restore the creek while we collaborate with our partners, UCSF and SFRPD for long-term stewardship and near term impact. Finally we will plant native, biodiversity enhancing, river loving plants with the winter rains! Help support us at
Pittosporum Crassiflorium
Webinar: Sutro Stewards with Paul & Edith Bourbin, and Kelly Dodge

Webinar: Sutro Stewards with Paul & Edith Bourbin, and Kelly Dodge

Join Sutro Stewards to learn more about native plants, urban restoration, and how you can craft your own habitat. California is home to over 6,000 native plants and many of those species are only found in our state. But with urban development, we have lost and are still losing valuable habitat where many of these plants are found. You can do your part in fighting this biodiversity crisis by creating a native habitat in your backyard, even in a major city! We’ll tell you about our favorite native plants, the wildlife they support, and why natives are the best option for your next gardening projects. You’ll also hear from two of our long-time volunteers about how they’ve incorporated native plants into their San Francisco backyards. We hope to inspire you to conserve native plants and give you the tools to do so. Intro Welcome Introductions Land acknowledgement Sutro Stewards Organization Background Who is Sutro Stewards?. Mount Sutro Our mission Volunteers are the heart of our work Our programs Trails Nursery Conservation Health in Nature What are the differences between plants? What are all the types of plants we see in nurseries, our backyards, in parks or open spaces Ornamentals Invasives and “weeds” Native Plants Why Go Native User Friendly Water & drought Soil adaptations Low maintenance Benefits to Nature Climate change Biodiversity crisis Health Benefits Edibility and herbalism Local beauty Where to Start? 3 ways to grow plants Look at your sun conditions What kind of soil do you have What kind of life do you want to support Shrubs/trees Herbs Flowers Grasses Creating Plant Lists Online resources to create plant lists Calscape Calflora- Living proof of living with natives Bourbins- sharing the story of their backyard! Support native plants in nurseries More ways to get involved Homegrown national park Come volunteer with us!


© 2018 - 2024 Sutro Stewards

Sutro Stewards is a project of the San Francisco Parks Alliance, a 501(c)3 California nonprofit public benefit corporation.

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