Thank you for joining us on Mount Sutro and around town this fall! From our 10th Anniversary to planting season and trails day to tapping event, Sutro Stewards had a rewarding and productive past couple months.

October kicked off with our 10th Anniversary Celebration, reflecting on our history and looking forward to the future. Together with our amazing volunteers, community, and partners, we have built a strong foundation of stewardship on Mount Sutro. See photos from the event here.

We continued recognizing our volunteers at the Volunteer Picnic later in October. Our staff had a fantastic time catching up with everyone, enjoying good food and drink, and playing lawn games (there's word bocce ball lasted until nearly sunset). We hope you had as much fun as we did.

Rainy October days signaled the beginning of planting season. Following tradition, the weather was rainy and stormy the day of our Fall Plant Sale, but that didn't stop folks from coming out and finding plants for backyard habitat. Since the beginning of October, we have planted about 500 native plants on Mount Sutro, with many more to go in the next couple months. Join us every Wednesday and 1st & 3rd Saturdays to help get them all installed!

Beyond all of the plants, we've also been making big strides on the Clarendon Trail. On Ridge Trail Day in November, 90 volunteers, crew leaders, and staff participated in projects along the Clarendon Trail! Volunteers moved buckets of gravel, teamed up to move logs, benched new sections of trail, built retaining walls, and much more. A big thanks to Bay Area Ridge Trail and REI for putting on this delightful annual event, and to our volunteers and crew leaders for their hard work and huge contribution!

This fall also brought the tasty culmination of our summer plant hikes with craft brewers. On November, we hosted the second annual Beers Made by Walking tapping event for the San Francisco Bay Area. Local brewers produced 14 place-based beers inspired by Bay Area plants and landscapes and generously donated the beer for the tapping event fundraiser supporting Sutro Stewards' education and stewardship programming. Thanks to all of the brewers and everyone that came out for this sold out event! Learn more about the event and check out the drool-worthy menu here.
All of the hard work and celebrations made for a joyous fall! Join us on the trail or in the nursery for a stewardship project as we close out the year with last few weeks of December. Happy Holidays!