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The Sutro Stewards' Blog

Sutro Stewards
Nov 5, 2018
Ridge Trail Day on Mount Sutro
A huge thank you to our volunteers and partners for a productive Ridge Trail Day! Every year on Ridge Trail Day, hundreds of volunteers...

Sutro Stewards
Mar 10, 2018
Vote for a Safe Trail Crossing April 1-14
Sutro Stewards applied for District 7 Participatory Budget funds for a crosswalk on Clarendon Ave where the Bay Area Ridge Trail crosses...

Janis Gomes
Nov 30, 2017
Soaproot: A Multi-use Marvel
Soaproot: A Multi-use Marvel (Chlorogalum pomeridianum) It’s a cold and rainy November afternoon and winter is tugging at my too-thin...

Maryann Rainey
Aug 27, 2017
Sutro Bird Watcher: Steller’s Jay & California Scrub-Jay
Grab Your Binoculars! Why is it that when walking the trails on Mt. Sutro the Steller’s Jay is seen and heard, while in neighboring...

Lauren Jones
Jul 26, 2017
Summer Intern Profile: Lauren Jones
My name is Lauren Jones and I’m a nursery intern at Sutro Stewards located on Mount Sutro in beautiful San Francisco, CA. Currently I am...

Janis Gomes
Jul 25, 2017
Columbine: A Flower of Meanings
Columbine (Aquilegia Formosa): A Flower of Meanings Plant lore associates the columbine with at least as many meanings as the petals on...

Sutro Stewards
Jul 5, 2017
Rainwater Catchment & Rain Garden
In 2016, Sutro Stewards received a Community Challenge Grant from the City of San Francisco to install a rainwater catchment system and...

Sutro Stewards
Jun 30, 2017
We're Hiring!
We're hiring! Join the Sutro Stewards team as Programs Assistant and contribute to recreation and conservation on Mount Sutro. The...

Maryann Rainey
Mar 1, 2017
Sutro Bird Watcher: Red-shouldered Hawk
Grab Your Binoculars! The Mt. Sutro Open Space Reserve offers mystery and intrigue to those willing to explore its century-old trails....

Amy Kaeser
Feb 23, 2017
Take a Hike! Spring Tours on Mount Sutro
Discover the flora and fauna of Mount Sutro on a guided tour this spring! Hit the trail on a wildflower walk and see Mount Sutro's many...

Pat Greene
Feb 23, 2017
Trip Report: February Bird Walk
[endif]--We met at the UCSF Woods Lot at 8:15 AM on Saturday, February 18--planning to be out of the way by the time volunteers started...

Amy Kaeser
Jan 31, 2017
Meet Stewardship Assistant, Sasha Lepeschkin-Noel
Meet Sasha Lepeschkin-Noel, Sutro Stewards' Stewardship Assistant! Sasha began working with us this past fall to lead volunteers during...

Janis Gomes
Dec 2, 2016
Plant Profile: Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia)
Lately, it’s hard not to notice shrubs with bright red berries blooming just about everywhere in the City. But look more closely as only...

Craig Dawson
Sep 6, 2016
Sutro Stewards 10th Anniversary: Reflections From Our Beginning
The Cat It was Fourth of July weekend in 2007 and I found myself out on the Fairy Gates Trail chipping away at a massive rock outcrop. I...

Amy Kaeser
Sep 6, 2016
Sutro Stewards Principles for Inclusion in the Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve Management Plan
Sutro Stewards support the creation of a management plan for the Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve. Mount Sutro needs to be managed...

Janis Gomes
Aug 31, 2016
Gardening in the Dunes
San Francisco is a city of sand. When I arrived here over 35 years ago my first garden was in a flat in the Sunset District. I recall...

Amy Kaeser
Aug 2, 2016
Beers Made by Walking Native Plant Hikes
The parking lot is cool and foggy and small drops of fog are dripping from the trees above. It’s just another Sunday July morning on...

Amy Kaeser
Aug 2, 2016
Mount Sutro Management Plan & TAC Meeting
UCSF Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve Management Plan Are you a user of Mount Sutro Open Space? If so, please mark your calendar to join...

Janis Gomes
Aug 1, 2016
Plant Profile: Grindelia (Gum Plant)
Summer in San Francisco is in full swing. While the sun shines and the fog rolls in, there’s no better time to take a walk up on Mt....

Craig Dawson
Jul 5, 2016
San Francisco's "Best City Hike" is Mount Sutro
As the Sutro Stewards celebrate our 10th year of stewardship this September, the Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve has again been awarded...
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