Meet Sasha Lepeschkin-Noel, Sutro Stewards' Stewardship Assistant! Sasha began working with us this past fall to lead volunteers during stewardship events and carry out habitat projects. With Sasha's help, we have been able to work with more volunteers, get more native plants installed, and complete additional habitat restoration projects! Sasha brings experience in restoration and ecology and a passion for botany and native plants. We're happy to have her on board! Read on to learn more about Sasha in this Q&A:

Tell us a little about yourself! What is your background and where are you from?
I am from Lansing Michigan. During undergrad, I studied biology with a focus in ecology and aquatic and riparian organisms, and I lived and worked in the Ann Arbor and Detroit areas. California is definitely a big change!
I currently study applied ecology at the University of San Francisco in the Masters of Environmental Science and Management program. I have always loved invertebrates and system ecology, which has naturally led me to Botany. Applied research and volunteer programs have allowed me to learn a variety of skills and pursue many interests while connecting to my local community. My very passionate graduate adviser and organizations like Sutro Stewards have instilled in me a love of plant identification and both the science and practice of restoration.
How did you hear about Sutro Stewards?
I first heard of the Sutro stewards on a native plant hike with some of my classmates led by the Sutro Stewards Nursery Manager, Liza.

What type of projects are you involved with on Mount Sutro?
I work on conservation and habitat projects all over the Open Space Reserve. I work with the Conservation Manager, Amy, during volunteer events to lead volunteers to complete habitat projects. Most of my time on Mt. Sutro is spent planting native species and weeding invasive species in our restoration sites.
What is your favorite plant?
It is hard to pick just one; there are so many fantastic plants in California. Even on Mt. Sutro there are so many. Yarrow is probably my favorite over all because it is a useful and beautiful plant that can survive in many habitats. On Mt. Sutro, you can find yarrow growing in and around the sunny summit gardens and at the nursery.